FEATUREPRENEUR - A platform to sell your ideas

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3 min readOct 8, 2020

Are you a person with good technical and practical knowledge and doesn’t have a good platform to showcase your skills?

Then this article is for you !!!

FEATUREPRENEUR is a marketplace for machine learning and data science projects. It’s similar to freelancing, but not exactly freelancing. You can come with your own ideas or there is also a requirements bank where there is a pool of requirements posted by the one who needs the feature and you can choose one out of them and build your project.

Who is the target audience ??

There is no age limit to work on this platform. This platform is available to all the people who have the enthusiasm to turn their ideas into reality. It could be a student with some knowledge in data science or it could be a professional with 2 years of work experience, everyone has the opportunity to showcase their skills. You can come up with innovative ideas and impress employers.

Benefits of Featurepreneur

What if I say that you will be rewarded money for selling your ideas on Featurepreneur?

Doesn’t that sound great !!

Yes !! Your ideas are our building blocks. You will be rewarded some amount of money on completion of a feature and the amount would be disclosed to you until the end just to create curiosity in you.

Apart from the money you receive, you end up in creative satisfaction as you might have explored yourself to different technologies which are the latest and are on demand.

Some unique features of Featurepreneur

  • Specific training will be given to students if they are not familiar with the latest technologies.
  • There is no age limit to hold a feature at featurepreneur.
  • There is no limit on team size, a feature can behold by a single person or a group of people.
  • There are no specific timings for working on features. The system is very flexible.
  • Some amount of money will be released on completion of a feature and will be directly credited to your bank accounts.
  • If your idea is creative and innovative, you may also end up getting a job offer.

Founder of Featurepreneur

Mr. Raja CSP Raman who is a founder of Tactii and Tactlabs, Cannada, laid the basis for the FEATUREPRENEUR. He is a successful entrepreneur who motivates young minds to reach their dreams.

My Personal View

I am a final year student from the Computer Science Department. I have completed a small feature and earned 20 CAD. I am happy on earning money before the completion of my bachelor’s degree. I am very happy and waiting to complete more features.

Apart from the money, I have learned so much about the latest technologies and this has boosted my confidence and self-learning capacity.

I would strongly recommend you to take part in Featurepreneur and showcase your skills

Thanks for reading.

