Harnessing the Power of Amazon S3 for Web Development with Python Flask

Mohammed Aadil
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a highly scalable and reliable cloud storage solution provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how you can integrate Amazon S3 with a Python Flask application for various web development purposes, including storing and serving static files.

Understanding Amazon S3:

Amazon S3 provides a secure, durable, and highly available storage infrastructure for storing and retrieving any amount of data over the internet. It’s ideal for storing static assets such as images, videos, and documents for web applications.

Integrating Amazon S3 with Python Flask:

  1. Installing Required Libraries: Before integrating Amazon S3 with Flask, you’ll need to install the required libraries using pip:
pip install flask boto3
  1. Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python, while boto3 is the AWS SDK for Python, which provides easy-to-use APIs for interacting with AWS services.
  2. Setting Up AWS Credentials: You’ll need to set up AWS credentials to authenticate your Flask application with Amazon S3. You can either set environment variables or use a credentials file. Make sure your AWS IAM user has the necessary permissions to access S3.
  3. Uploading Files to Amazon S3: You can use boto3 to upload files to Amazon S3 from your Flask application. Here’s a basic example:
from flask import Flask, request
import boto3
app = Flask(__name__)
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST'])
def upload_file():
file = request.files['file']
s3.upload_fileobj(file, 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME', file.filename)
return 'File uploaded successfully'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. This Flask route accepts file uploads via a POST request and uploads the file to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Serving Static Files from Amazon S3: You can serve static files directly from Amazon S3 in your Flask application by generating pre-signed URLs. Here’s how you can do it:
def serve_static(filename):
url = s3.generate_presigned_url( 'get_object',
Params={'Bucket': 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME', 'Key': filename},

return redirect(url)

This route generates a pre-signed URL for the requested file and redirects the user to it, allowing them to access the file directly from Amazon S3.


Integrating Amazon S3 with Python Flask opens up a world of possibilities for web development, from storing and serving static files to implementing file upload functionality. By following this comprehensive guide, you can leverage the power of Amazon S3 to build scalable and reliable web applications with Flask. Explore further and unlock the full potential of Amazon S3 for your Flask projects.



Mohammed Aadil

Web Developer | Back End, and API Integration | Passionate about expanding knowledge in DevOps, Blockchain, AI/ML, and Data Science.