How I got my MacBook from Featurepreneur

Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2023

I’ve always seen a MacBook as a luxury and something that was out of my reach. Featurepreneur gave me the opportunity to use and eventually get my own MacBook.

I have worked for 18 months with Featurepreneur as an intern and as a mentor as well. I mentored students from USA, Canada and India and simultaneously was trained with industrial based concepts.

During my time with Featurepreneur I also learnt the importance of efficiency and that a MacBook is something that provides such qualities.

From then I made my mind on getting one. I was said if I were to contribute 2000 hours, I could get one. I started focusing and working towards this goal.

As soon as I got to 1500 hours I got the MacBook and was told i can work with it till I finish my mission of 2000 hours. This motivated me even more as now I have had the taste of using the MacBook.

I strived and worked hard and finally, Thanks to Featurepreneur I got a MacBook, which is very valuable and useful and will help me in my future endeavours.

Thank you Featurepreneur!

