How I used SSH (Student Side Hustle) to pay my semester fee!

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3 min readNov 26, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, continuous learning is the key to success. My journey from an intern to a course creator at Featurepreneur has not only broadened my knowledge but has also enabled me to achieve a significant milestone — paying for my semester exam fees through the creation of an in My journey from an intern to a course creator at Featurepreneur course titled “Gamify Git Commit with ChatGPT.”

How I Secured the Internship

I was fortunate enough to land the internship opportunity through a referral from one of my cousins. Networking, even within the family, played a crucial role in opening doors to valuable experiences and opportunities.

Duration of Internship

I have been a part of the Featurepreneur for a substantial period, dedicating 1200 hours over 15 months to my internship

Learning from Featurepreneur (FPR)

My tenure at Featurepreneur has been a transformative phase of learning and growth. I acquired a diverse skill set in automation testing with Selenium to navigating the AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Additionally, I gained hands-on experience in deployment strategies, effective use of GitHub for version control, and explored the world of programming languages through LangChain. The exposure to databases, including practical applications like MongoDB and SQLite, rounded out my comprehensive education at FPR.

Laddering Up from Intern to Course Creator:

My Journey into mentoring began with the basics of Python — exploring data types, functions, and the intricacies of the language. As I went deeper , my mentorship expanded to cover databases with Python, including popular systems like SQLite, MongoDB, and effective version control using GitHub. The experience of guiding others not only solidified my understanding of these concepts but also instilled in me a passion for sharing knowledge.

Building upon my mentoring experiences, I decided to take the next step by creating courses for Featurepreneur. This platform, where I initially pursued my developer internship, became the place for my educational initiatives. So far, I have crafted four courses .

  1. Python for Beginners: A comprehensive introduction to Python programming, covering fundamental concepts and practical applications.
  2. LangChain: An exploration of various Components in Langchain, Generating an API Key and Models
  3. Gamify Git Commit with ChatGPT: A course that combines the principles of gamification with the powerful capabilities of ChatGPT to enhance the Git commit process.

The process of mentoring and creating courses has been a two-way street.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey has been the financial milestone I achieved through my course creation. The income generated from the “Gamify Git Commit with ChatGPT” course allowed me to pay for my semester exam fees, turning my passion for teaching into a benefit for my education with help of Featurepreneur.

Enjoyment of the Journey

One of the highlights of my Featurepreneur journey was the diversity of tasks. Engaging in non-technical responsibilities added a layer of excitement to my daily routine, making each day at work uniquely interesting.

Financial Milestone

Through my dedication and contributions at Featurepreneur, I’ve not only gained valuable experience but have also earned approximately 15–18K INR. This financial milestone, coupled with the educational and professional growth, underscores the tangible benefits of my journey from intern to course creator at Featurepreneur.

I am excited about the opportunities ahead to contribute, learn, and inspire others on their educational journeys.

Happy Learning !




Learning something new everyday keeps me busy and refresh