How to Add Julia to Jupyter Lab?

Sanjjushri Varshini R
Published in
Mar 12, 2022

In this article, you’ll see how to add Julia to Jypyter Lab from scratch.
If you have not installed Julia check here and here for Julia's examples.

  1. First, install Julia:

If you have already installed skip this step.

sudo apt-get install julia

2. Open the Julia Command-Line:

To open Julia Command-Line just type julia on the terminal.

3. Add Julia to Jupyter lab:

To add Julia to Jupyter Lab, you need to type the following command on the Julia Command-Line.

i) Using Pkg:

using Pkg

ii) Adding IJulia:


4. Now open Jupyter Lab and check whether you have added Julia:

You can now run Julia on Jupyter Lab.

Keep Exploring!

