How to Deploy streamlit app with Heruko

Jeevitha M
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2022

What is streamlit:

An open-source Python framework called Streamlit is used to create web applications for machine learning and data science. Using Streamlit, we can quickly design and launch web applications. You can use Streamlit to create apps in the same manner that you create Python programmes. Working on the interactive cycle of coding and watching outcomes on the web app is made simple by Streamlit.

How to install streamlit:

pip install streamlit

To check version of this package

streamlit --version

Basic app:

import streamlit as st
st.title("Basic App")
st.write("Hello world ")

Thus we have done with creating a basic streamlit app

we can deploy it via streamlit cloud we can deploy this app via heruko tooo..

Here we go with following commands to deploy it using Heruko

url | sh

You have to login via CLI

heroku login

After login it will navigate you to the CLI

At next we need to create heruko server using the repository name

heruko create <repository name>

At last we need to push it in our github to further deployment

git push heruko master

Then it will redirect to you a link that will be your final deployed link



Jeevitha M

AWS Cloud Captain Cohort 3 - India Region , Interested in Data Analytics , Big data, Cloud Computing [AWS/Azure]. A newbie in security . #Womenintech #Research