Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2022

What is crud opration?

It means the following operations:

  • R- READ

Now, taking the JSON it means JavaScript Object Notation which is a lightweight data-interchange format used to send data between computers and it is language independent.

It is written in the directory format.

Example of JSON

"name" :"Sam",
"age" :30,

Python has a built-in package called json, which can be used to work with JSON data.

import json

Then let us take an example program for performinga crud operation, At first, let us create a json file and then store the data in that file.

FILEPATH = 'city.json'def get_json_data():  with open(FILEPATH) as json_file:       data = json.load(json_file)return data

for storage :

def store_json_data(data):    with open(FILEPATH, 'w') as outfile:         json.dump(data, outfile)

Now let us have the main function for passing the data to other functions, for the main function we will name it as startpy() In that, we will first declare the data and passes to create a function

from pprint import pprintdef startpy():   print("CRUD started!")   # CRUD: Add City   city    = "Madurai"   state   = "Tamilnadu"  add_city(city, state)  # # CRUD: READ all  cities = get_all_cities()  pprint(cities)

Then in the create function for adding one data in the file.

# CRUD: CREATEdef add_city(city, state):    current_data = {       "name"  : city,      "state" : state    }    data = get_json_data()    # print(data)   data[city] = current_data   store_json_data(data)

For Reading single data from the file the function is :

In the main function, we call a particular data

def startpy():# CRUD: READ single   city_name = 'Waterloo'   single_city = get_single_city(city_name)   print(single_city)

In the read single data function

# CRUD: READ Singledef get_single_city(city_name):   data = get_json_data()   if(city_name in data):      return data[city_name]      # print(data)return None

The main function, data passing to Update function :

def startpy():    # CRUD: UPDATE    city_name = 'Madurai'    city_state = 'Tamilnadu'    update_single_city(city_name, city_state)

Update function :

def update_single_city(city_name, city_state):    data = get_json_data()    if(city_name in data):    city_data = {       'name' : city_name,      'state' : city_state    }    data[city_name] = city_data    store_json_data(data)

Delete function in the main function :

def startpy():# CRUD: DELETE Single  city_name = 'Montreal'  delete_single_city(city_name)

Delete function for single data :

def delete_single_city(city_name):   data = get_json_data()   if(city_name in data):   data.pop(city_name)   store_json_data(data)

Delete function in the main function for all the data method 1:

def startpy():# CRUD: DELETE All  start_time = time.time()  delete_all_cities()  executionTime = (time.time() - start_time)  print('[delete_all_cities]Execution time in seconds: ' +            str(executionTime))

Delete function for all the data :

def delete_all_cities():# get all keys and pop each   data = get_json_data()   city_list = list(data.keys())   for current_city in city_list:       print(current_city)       data.pop(current_city)  store_json_data(data)

Effective delete function in the main for all the data:

import timedef startpy():# # # CRUD: DELETE All Efficient    start_time = time.time()    delete_all_cities_efficient()    executionTime = (time.time() - start_time)    print('[delete_all_cities_efficient]Execution time in seconds: '       + str(executionTime))

Effective delete function:

def delete_all_cities_efficient():     current_dict = {}     store_json_data(current_dict)

For adding multi cites we can use faker methods by importing the faker method in the program

from faker import Fakerfake = Faker()

In the main function for multi adding cites:

def startpy():# # CRUD: Add multiple cities   add_multiple_cities_test()

Multi cities adding function:

def add_multiple_cities_test():    Faker.seed(0)    for c_index in range(1000):        current_city = fake.city()        current_state = fake.state()        # print(current_city, current_state)        add_city(current_city, current_state)        print(f'{c_index} Added: ', current_city, current_state)


All the functions are combined here you can refer to this link

Github: https://github.com/elakiavm/json-crud-python

