My Intern Experience with Tact Labs

Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2021

Whether you are seeking a head start for your career or looking for some real-life industrial grind, an internship is the best way to start with. My first ever intern experience was with Tact Labs. I worked as a data science intern for three months, during which I worked on Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. I was introduced to cutting-edge technologies in the field of Data Science and Computer Vision, which I personally think I would have never known so soon in my career if it was not for this internship.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Technologies I learned during the Internship:


Version control systems have taken over the flow of application development in recent days and the knowledge about it is absolutely vital for anyone to be industry fit. Learning git and GitHub, about which I had no prior knowledge, was one of the requirements to stay as an intern in Tact labs. So this was a technology that I learned at the beginning of my intern journey and it has proved me useful to this day.


A workflow that follows, “Listen to the problem requirements, hard code for days, build a web application, push and merge the results in GitHub and you’re done” doesn’t work out with Tact Labs. You still have work to do. You have to ship the application. And that’s how I was introduced to docker. This was one among the technologies I had never heard of, before joining as an intern! I took some time learning it initially and shipping code has been a pleasure since then.

Ubuntu Linux:

In TactLabs, it is mandatory to use Ubuntu Linux to work on projects. So I had to install Ubuntu on my PC and as I started working on projects I came to know about the power of Linux machines, what they are capable of, and the freedom they give the user in terms of usage. It was a wonderful journey learning and working with Linux, on projects.


spaCy is an advanced Natural Language Processing python library. My knowledge in NLP was limited to the NLTK library of python, prior to joining the internship. I was introduced to spaCy as part of a project from which we couldn’t get any results but during the grind, I managed to learn the fundamentals of the library and I’m still continuing my learning journey with spaCy.

My Three Month Experience:

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

Work experience:

Tact labs is always flexible with work hours and deadlines for projects. All it expects are daily updates on the progress. Our team gets a project, we start working on it, we report the progress and we finish it. Even if a project idea takes more time than allotted for it, Mr. Raja CSP Raman, the CEO of Tact Labs asks us if we are confident that we can finish it. If not we drop the project.

Game sessions:

Other than just projects, there is more than meets the eye with Tact Labs. Every weekend Tact Labs organizes weekend fun sessions with games and rewards. During this time we play entertaining as well as educative games, which refresh our minds for another week's work.

Weekly live sessions:

Sir Raja also conducts weekly live sessions on Zoom, on new technologies which he later makes us apply to our projects so that the knowledge acquired through just seeing and listening seeps deep inside.

Ask Me Anything sessions:

Tact Labs organizes and conducts weekly AMA sessions with experts. We are allowed to interact and shoot questions to industry experts in these sessions. This helps us to know about the current trends that the industry follows and what they are looking up to in the near future.


To conclude, I would say that my intern period with Tact Labs has opened my eyes to see a different world. It gave me a clear understanding of working in an industrial environment. It has indeed been a head start to my Data Science journey and I am forever grateful to Mr. Raja CSP. and Tact Labs for giving me the opportunity to learn some amazing skills and apply them to build real-life applications.

