My Intern with Tactlabs

Jack Arokiason J
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2021

How I got the Opportunity:

The day started with a message from college about the internship in TactLabs. Then I went through the interview process. I prepared myself for certain topics from both Frontend and Backend. After the Interview process, I got an intern opportunity.

Work Experience:

First I started as a Frontend developer in a team(whitehats). I learned how to work and share the knowledge with each other teammates. we got a few tasks in the beginning and divided the task into parts and worked accordingly the finish before the, these deadlines gave as the confidence to work on projects and complete them as fast as much this type of experience taught me to complete the work on time.

About Industry:

The major part I learned during the intern is how the industry works. That showed the reality how it process in day to day life, with that experience I’m confident to work on after my intern. During the Intern period, I learned how to handle work pressure in the Industry.

Languages and Skills:

Skills I learned are:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • MongoDB
  • Javascript
  • Flask
  • Docker
  • VueJS
  • AngularJS


Finally, the experience and knowledge I gained in the Internship were boundless. That experience and memories really changed my life.

Thank you!!!

