Never commit .env

Raja CSP Raman
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2024
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Committing a .env file to your GitHub project (or any public version control system) is generally considered a bad practice due to several important reasons:

  1. Security Risks: .env files often contain sensitive information such as API keys, database credentials, and secret tokens that are crucial for the application's security. If you commit this file to a public repository, you are exposing all these secrets to anyone who has access to the repository. This can lead to security breaches, unauthorized access to your services, and potential data leaks.
  2. Environment Specificity: The .env file is usually environment-specific, meaning it contains settings or variables that are tailored to the local development environment, staging, or production. These settings can include database URLs, external service credentials, or application-specific secrets. Sharing this file across environments can lead to configuration conflicts, incorrect application behavior, or security vulnerabilities if environment-specific secrets are not properly managed.
  3. Lack of Flexibility: When the .env file is committed to the repository, it becomes harder for other developers to set up their local environments with their own configurations. They might accidentally overwrite the shared .env file with their local settings, leading to unnecessary changes in the version control system and potential conflicts between developers.
  4. Best Practices for Configuration Management: Industry best practices suggest keeping configuration separate from the code. Configuration should be injected into the application from the environment, ensuring that the codebase remains environment-agnostic and more secure. This principle is part of the Twelve-Factor App methodology, which advocates for strict separation of config from the code to enable easier changes and scalability.

To manage environment variables securely and effectively, you can:

  • Use environment-specific files that are not tracked by version control (like .env.local, .env.development, .env.production) and include a .env.sample file in the repository with dummy or placeholder values. This file serves as a template for other developers to create their own local .env file.
  • Employ secret management tools or services that securely store and manage access to sensitive information, such as AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or HashiCorp Vault.
  • Utilize built-in GitHub features for secret management, like GitHub Actions secrets or GitHub Encrypted secrets, to store sensitive information securely and use them in your CI/CD pipelines without exposing them in the codebase.

Always ensure that your .env file is listed in your .gitignore file to prevent it from being accidentally committed to your repository. This practice helps in maintaining the security and integrity of your application while also adhering to best practices for software development.

