Non-coding Jobs for Code-Haters like me

Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2021

Computer Science is not only about koding, but more!!

Most of us are confused (including me) that the computer science domain is one hundred percent involved with coding and that is the core element for a job in IT. I can surely say that it is just a myth and there are multiple jobs out there for the people with computer knowledge, who are even code-haters.

I can discuss a few jobs here that have low-code or no-code in the roles and responsibilities of the candidate.

1. Technical Writer

Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

For people who are more interested in writing blogs, articles, short stories, this role will be a perfect suit as it requires huge creativity and product knowledge as you will be assigned to write tech blogs about the product of the company in focus of marketing. Also, you may be asked for copywriting to advertise or promote a product to the public. This usually happens in B2C companies as well in B2B companies.

2. SEO/SEM Specialist

Photo by Taras Shypka on Unsplash

This one is highly related to the Digital Marketing strategies of the company where they should be on top of the web searches and up to the trend of keywords that are used by their target audience. Skills involved in being a successful SEO specialist include basics of marketing, business development, successful communication, and out-of-the-box creative thinking skills.

3. UI/UX Designer

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Great designers are a perfect match for this role as it requires no coding knowledge but maximum creativity in boosting excitement to the people while experiencing the design. UI/UX designers are gaining more hype these days as the mobile and web apps business models are taking off to the next level. They should be well-versed in areas of photoshop, online designing, and a few relevant skills.

4. Business Analyst

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

BA role deals with the customer relationship part in solving the issues of the customer by breaking it down into solvable steps and finding the right junior to work on it within the possible time frame. It requires basic knowledge of how the business model of the company works and the technical skills that are related to solving the problem of the client as it helps in explaining the problem to the employees.

5. Product Manager

Product Managers require highly skilled leadership skills along with great communications and negotiation skills to work with people around them. They are involved in building a product and maintaining it through making constant updations and solving the arising issues. They are the base reason for the business success of the organization as the product is the key element in a company’s success.

Don't worry that you don’t like coding. There are enormous opportunities waiting for you out here!!

