Ontario GDP by Major Industry-wise

Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2021

The major industries in the Ontario Economy are Manufacturing, Construction, Primary Industry, Utilities and Service producing Industries.

GDP by Industry:

Ontario Real GDP, measured as value-added by industry, rose 2.0% in the Fourth Quarter of 2020. The output of both goods-producing(+1.0%) and service-producing (+2.2%) industries increased.


Output edged down 0.3% in the quarter due largely to transportation Equipment(-4.8%). The overall decline was partially offset by an increase in Electrical and Electronic products(+3.8%).


For Canada, on a quarterly basis, Q1’s (-7.5%)(annualized)deteriorated to -38.5%(also annualized) in Q2. But the bounce back in Q3 was prodigious, +40.6%. And Q4’s GDP increase was a sterling +9.6%.

Primary Industry:

Output rose 5.7%, with increases in both Agriculture and forestry(+5.9%) and mining (+5.3%).


Output declined 2.2%, following a 1.1% increase in the Third Quarter.

Service Producing Industries:

Output increased for the second consecutive quarter, with gains in professional and administrative services(+4.5%) and finance and insurance(+1.7%).

Thanks for Reading!!

