RAP is catching on among youth!

Priyanka C
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2021

You read it right but it’s not what you think. RAP in featurepreneurs refers to the Random Appreciation Platform.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

This is a simple concept introduced by Tactlabs and adopted by Featurepreneur to motivate and encourage all the featurepreneurs to improve and strive harder with their thinking ability which results in greater productivity.

Here is how it works. Suppose one creates a feature like simple analytics, we will like and appreciate your effort invested in this creation by donating a little from our side. The donation that we provide will always be related to the educational aspect of the creator and it will be presented as gifts of appreciation. For instance, the donations that we provide right now are AWS exam scholarships, technical books, mouse, thumb drives, and many more.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Now the question arises, how will one get started on this beneficial system. Let us clear the doubt for you.

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

All one has to do is create an account on our Featurepreneur website and sign in. Then start juggling your thinking caps for extraordinary ideas for features and publish them so that we can recognize and acknowledge you. You also have all the freedom to mention your wish list of all the things you desire to acquire or get from us like external hard drives, exam funds, small speakers, etc. Once you become eligible among everyone who has applied, you will be intimated with notifications about your gift options and date will be provided where you will have to join a small event called Random wheel. This will become your lucky day to collect your gifts if the wheel lands on your name that day where you will be announced as the winner. The winner will then receive the gifts they desired within 2 weeks of the event.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

So what are you waiting for?

Join us in Featurepreneur and start publishing your features and win away all the benefits that we provide which you will not find elsewhere.



Priyanka C

To creating my own magic and discipline so that I can reach heights that I always dream of and more.