Stack Index

Aishwarya Ramaswami
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2020

This one of the Interesting Features that I did in the featurepreneur which related to the developer's helpline StackOverflow.

Requirements Which made us choose the feature😇

The requirement of this feature was to collect data from stack overflow and analyze it to understand the growth of a tool. The basic idea of this feature is to collect the number of questions asked in each technology, programming language from stack overflow. The data has to be collected from the year 2009 to 2019 for each month. Then did some analysis on it like time series analysis for the growth of the tool or library.

These requirements sound really interesting as we can predict which is going to be popular technology in the upcoming year.

My Team and Technology Stack⛳️

I worked along with my teammate and friend Vaishnavi on this feature.

The tech stack which we used for this was Database, frontend tools, Pandas, and python to get queries to run in StackExchange.

The Time dedicated to various phases⏲

This process of data collection took around 40 hrs for collecting 100 tech keys with a count of questions each year. These data are collected for each month of the year since it gives a clear view for visualization and analysis. It was done in two phases by collecting initial data for 50 keys and then in the next phase collected the remaining and did visualizations.

Donut chart for top 10 keys

The above chart is one of the visualizations obtained from that.

Tact Coins we Earned⭐⭐

On Completion of this feature, we earned about 20CAD which we shared among our team. This was one of the best features which I worked on.

Thanks for reading this article. Hope to see you all in the community soon!😃

