Tact Coins Reckoning

Aishwarya Ramaswami
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2020

In this article, I am going to take through on the feature I did and how I got benefited from it.

The Requirements on which I worked📜

The featurepreneur benefits are released in terms of Tact coins and then the corresponding money is released. But updating and calculation of these Tact coins for all was a tedious process.

So I took this requirement and worked to build a web app for this to ease the work of updating and release. This reduced the time we allocate for the process during the spin wheel. We choose this requirement mainly to ease our full filled spin wheel session.

Team Formation and Tech Stack

I worked along with my teammate and friend Vaishnavi on this feature.

The tech stack which we used for this was Flask, database, frontend tools, Pandas, and jinja template.

The time I dedicated to various phases⏲

We worked on this feature in 3 phases. Initially, we implemented the required calculations in the jupyter notebook using pandas and NumPy and migrated the data to the database. Then we created a front end for the web app and connected it with the database and calculation functions. At last, we updated our app with various use cases and deployed it in Heroku.

Totally we completed the app in around 20hrs.

Tact Coins we Earned⭐⭐

On Completion of this feature, we earned about 15 CAD which we shared among our team, and thus from that, we started using this to ease our tedious process.

Hope to see you all in the community soon!!

