Tact Coins - Currency of Featurepreneur

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2020

We designed a new feature TACT COINS from which the users can view the list of tact coins that they gained by finishing their feature work . In this feature the admin can ADD and RELEASE the tact coins for the user through their repesctive login . There are two phases consists of this feature , first we want to integrate the feature , connecting with database and finally deploying the feature .

To Get It On 👇





Nature Of Tact Coin👋

Tact Coins is similar to Google credits (or game credits) where volunteers can get the coins from the employers after finishing the requirements and the proper delivery.

User can convert those coins into real cash or gift cards every week.

“A spinning coin, still balanced on its rim, may fall in either direction.”

Value of Tact Coins👌

25 Tact Coins = ₹ 1

Tact Coins = 0.0008 $CAD

25 Tact Coins = 0.002 $CAD

Stunning Innovation😎

The main motto of this feature is to automate all the operations to be done by Admin Team . For this we made a login Interface for Users as well as the Admin and also session handler is used to monitor the operations . Finally we deployed this feature in Heroku .

“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible”

Technologies Explored

These are the technologies we worked and explored on it …

*** Flask ***
*** MongoDB ***
*** Bootstrap ***
*** Cryptography ***
*** Docker ***
*** Python ***
*** Numpy ***
*** Pandas ***

My Squad💪

In this feature I worked with my team Sainadh and Sakthi . We shared a lot of knowledge with each other . We finished this feature in 25 hours . After Completion of this feature , we earned about 20 CAD for a team which we shared among with us.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” .

Thanks for reading the article . If you want to be part of the community , join us without any further Delay …




On the way towards exploring new Technologies and knowledge gaining by learning it…😊