Tech-Domains to Watch out for

Talha Abdur Rahman
Published in
Aug 1, 2021
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In this rapidly growing industry, we are often left wondering, where to focus our time and energy on, when it comes to expanding our knowledge and skill set.

Youtube seems like a good place to research on trendy topics or maybe even quora or stackoverflow

But, what if we told you there is a new scientific approach to it

Look no Further, We bring to you an Application on the cloud powered by Machine-Learning and the magic of Big-Data.
Reliable Predictions and Forecasting the next big thing with amazing outcomes on different technological domains

Tools and Technologies used:

Timeseries Analysis
Kats — Timeseries framework from Facebook
Streamlit (for converting our ML model to app)
AWS EC2 (for deployment)

Have a Look:

Research Team:
Raja CSP Raman

