“The World is getting worse” is a MYTH!!

Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2022

Overcome your emotions through the fact-based global view…

People who’ve read the book “FACTFULNESS” would have realized this article has its flavor.

Now, let's test your mind on how far you’ve understood the world.

I have 8 Questions for you to answer and we’ll conclude your understanding of the progressing world…

  1. What is the rate of girls finishing primary schools in all low-income countries?

A. Twenty Percent

B. Forty Percent

C. Sixty Percent

I want you to take a paper or open a notepad on your device and write/type the answers that strike your mind. No googling the answers, please.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

2. Majority of the world population falls under which category?

A. High-income countries

B. Low-income countries

C. Middle-income countries

3. What is the average life expectancy of the world today?

A. Fifty years

B. Sixty years

C. Seventy years

I want to make sure that you’re storing your answers in a notebook/notepad, not in your brain.

4. There are 2 billion children in the world that falls under the 0–15 years age group today. In 2100, there will be _____ children, according to UN.

A. 3 billion

B. 2 billion

C. 4 billion

5. Number of deaths due to natural disasters has changed over the last hundred years. Pick the right option.

A. Doubled

B. Remains the same

C. Decreased to less than half

Photo by Alice Yamamura on Unsplash

6. How many percent of the world’s children get vaccinated before turning one year old?

A. 20 Percent

B. 50 Percent

C. 80 Percent

7. On average, a 30-year old man has spent 10 years in school. How many years have women spent in the same age?

A. 3 years

B. 5 years

C. 9 years

8. How many percent of people have electricity access around the world?

A. 80 percent

B. 50 percent

C. 20 percent

There is another chance for people who didn’t write down the answers. Go through the questions again and document your answers. It’ll be worth your effort.

Answers: 1:C | 2:C | 3:C | 4:B | 5:C | 6:C | 7:C | 8:A

Score one for each correct answer and find your total score. If you’re a fact-based thinker, you should have got more questions right. But most people don’t do so.

Everyone has a typical statement in mind that, “Rich is getting richer, and poor are getting poorer”. And that’s not a fair statement according to me. Most of the people’s living standards are improving day by day and we have to accept the fact that most people of the world come under middle-income countries, not as like fifty years before when there was huge poverty. I hope I proved that statement using the answers to the questions.

Reading the book “FACTFULNESS” will give you a different world view and prove to us how we are wrong about the world. As Steve Jobs said, “Think DIfferent”. Good luck!!

