Ubuntu Beginner’s Guide: The Top 10 Commands You Need to Know

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2 min readMay 31, 2024

In the Ubunteen course, I must say it’s been a great learning experience for me. I’ve learned a lot of valuable commands that have helped me become a more efficient and effective assistant. This Ubuntu course can be downloaded from any browser using this link: https://ubuntu.com/. This is somewhat different from the other OS.

Here are some of the commands:

1.ubunteen init: This command initializes a new Ubunteen environment, which allows me to create and manage virtual machines.

2.ubunteen up: This command starts a virtual machine, which is useful when I need to run a script or command inside a virtual environment.

3.ubunteen down: This command shuts down a virtual machine, which is helpful when I’m done using it and want to save resources.

4.ubunteen PS: This command lists all the virtual machines that are currently running, which makes it easy for me to keep track of my environments.

5.ubunteen cd: This command changes the current directory to the root of the current environment, which is useful when I need to navigate to a different directory.

6.ubunteen: This command lists all the files and directories in the current environment, which helps me quickly find the resources I need.

7.ubunteen rm: This command removes a file or directory, which is helpful when I need to clean up my environment or remove unnecessary files.

8.ubunteen cp: This command copies a file or directory, which is useful when I need to transfer resources between environments.

9.ubunteen mv: This command moves or renames a file or directory, which is helpful when I need to reorganize my resources.

10.ubunteen mkdir: This command creates a new directory, which is useful when I need to create a new environment or store resources in a separate directory.

These are just a few of the commands I’ve learned from the “Ubunteen” course. This Ubuntu course is very efficient.

