Ubuntu Kid — International Test

Raja CSP Raman
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2020
Image by guaxipo from Pixabay

Everyone knows Ubuntu becomes the defacto in the Linux world (at least in our in-house case study).

In order to create an awareness of Ubuntu OS among South Indian and Canadian school students, Featurepreneur came up with an idea to conduct an test on Ubuntu. This is how Ubuntu Kid idea was born.

As some of our customers asked more details about the exam, here we are answering all of their questions:

Q: Reason behind this idea?
A: To create awareness of Linux operating system among school kids (age 10–17). In our in-house research we came to know that learning Linux operating system will increate your long term interest in programming. Hence we decided to teach Linux and creates tests on them.

Q: Who is behind this?
A: TactLabs (formerly TalentAccurate) — Toronto, which is a parent company of Featurepreneur, came up with an idea to create this awarnesss program.

Q: Partners if any?
A: TactLabs has partnered with various startups and small companies in Toront and other cities in Canada and India as well. You can verify the companies here: http://tactii.com/

Also, TactLabs is a part of Founder Institute which is a very renoun Startup Incubator in the States.

Q: Who all can participate?
A: All school students whose age from 10 to 17 can attend this test. However, we classify them in to two groups:
Zone A: 10–13 years old
Zone B: 14–17 years old

Q: Age based questions or the pattern?
A: There is no age based questions at the moment. However, we are planning to improve our questions pattern in the upcoming tests.

Q: Future benefits for the kids?
A: We will reward the top first kid with 1000 INR as a first prize (Zone A & B) and give certificates for whoever passing the test. Our passing score will be 50%.

Also, all passed kids will be eligible to join Featurepreneur and learn coding from the community that we have built.

For more information, please reach raja@tactii.com

