VolunteerGig — a new Gig economy

Tact Labs
Published in
Oct 17, 2020
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

At Featurepreneur, we have introduced a new way of the gig economy — VolunteerGig!

Unlike Freelancing, where you bid the amount for the given requirements, you wouldn’t know how much money would you get for the work you will do.

This will keep you focused on learning, especially trendy things like Machine Learning, and forget money-making while you learn things.

Once you have finished the work and if the employer is happy with the requirements, we will surprise you with the amount.

This process we call it — VolunteerGig!

This would keep the money mindset away and bring the learning as a first priority.

If you are looking for only money, Featurepreneur might not be the right platform for you.

On the other hand, if you want to learn something new and contribute to the community — we would be very happy to surprise you with the rewards.

Like in the Gig economy, you can make the money at any time you wanted without any time restrictions.

Interested in Featurepreneur? check our alpha version here:

