What is AWS ?— An Introduction to AWS

Ana Jessica
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2021

Amazon Web Services(AWS) is a cloud service from Amazon, which provides services in the form of building blocks, these building blocks can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud.

Amazon Web Services

These services or building blocks are designed to work with each other, and result in applications that are sophisticated and highly scalable.

Amazon offers nearly 100 on-demand services and that list is growing daily.

Why is AWS so Successful?

  • Security and durability — AWS encrypt the data, offering end-to-end privacy and storage.
  • Experience — Developers can rely on Amazon’s established processes. Their tools, techniques and suggested best practices are built upon years of experience.
  • Flexibility — There is great flexibility in AWS, allowing developers to select the OS language and database.
  • Ease of Use — AWS is easy to use. Developers can swiftly deploy and host applications, build new applications or migrate existing applications.
  • Scalability — Applications can be easily scaled up or down depending on user requirements.
  • Cost savings — Companies only pay for the computing power, storage and resources used, with no long-term commitments.

What are the services provided by AWS?

AWS finds applications in a variety of domains, and some of them are listed below:

Cloud Compute Resources

The Compute domain includes services related to compute workloads, it includes the following services:

  • Amazon EC2

Elastic Compute 2 or EC2 is primarily used for hosting applications. It offers scalable VMs built with granular control over networking, security, migrations, and backups.

  • Amazon EBS

EBS or Elastic Beanstalk is an easy to configure alternative to EC2. You upload application files, and it creates the necessary environment automatically.

  • Amazon Lightsail

Lightsail is a simplified version of EC2 which offers VPS servers with the one-click launch, backup, and restore functionalities.

  • Amazon Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless service that fires snippets of code only on request. Easy to configure, Lambda is excellent for serverless applications.

Scalable Cloud Storage

The Storage domain includes services related data storage, it includes the following services:

  • Amazon S3

AWS S3 is used to store data securely and cost-effectively. Businesses can store business data with easy retrieval and worldwide availability.

  • Amazon Glacier

AWS Glacier is targeted at storing a backup of data for several years. It cold stores data and is used for archival purposes at a low cost.

  • Amazon Elastic Block Storage

AWS EBS is like a virtual hard disk that you can attach to your server. It’s available in various configurations and boots up in seconds for quick usage.

  • Amazon Elastic File System

AWS EFS replicates File Explorer on your PC in the cloud. You can quickly create virtual file systems necessary for storage or application needs.

Relational and Non-Relational Databases

The Database domain is used for database related workloads, it includes the following services:

  • Amazon RDS

AWS Relational Database Service or RDS is a cloud alternative for setting up MySQL/PSQL databases. It allows businesses to remotely connect databases using APIs, enabling security and portability of data.

  • Amazon Redshift

AWS Redshift serves as a data warehousing service that comes with advanced querying functions. It allows Business Analysis possible using BI and SQL tools in the cloud.

Other Cloud Domain Applications


  • AWS Application Discovery Service

It’s a unique service that prepares big organizations for migration. It enables the discovery of workloads, usage, resources, etc. to plan a smooth movement on the AWS cloud.

Networking and Content Delivery

  • Amazon Route 53

Route 53 is used for setting up DNS, and connecting domain names with AWS hosted applications.

  • Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing is used to offer high availability of services with the dynamic distribution of incoming traffic to other regions.

Management Tools

  • AWS Autoscaling

AWS Auto Scaling allows you to compensate for increased traffic by scaling up servers dynamically automatically.


  • AWS Identity and Access Management

AWS IAM is the control panel for all AWS services. You can add users to your account and give them relevant permissions using IAM.

Amazon Web Service

Now that you have a fair idea about what is AWS and its services, keep exploring this vast ocean. This is just the tip of the iceberg !

