What is Pop Os and how to install it?

Varshath Gupta S
Published in
6 min readMay 22, 2021

What is POP Os?

Pop is a Linux distort that comes under the Debian group. It featuring the custom gnome so it is moreover seen like ubuntu. Pop!_OS is designed to have a minimal amount of clutter on the desktop without distractions to allow the user to focus on work. It was completely open-source so that we don’t need to pay for it and we can customizable it. It was developed and released by system76.

To download pop!_os click here https://system76.com/pop

POP vs Ubuntu

Flatpak package:

Flatpak package

Both Ubuntu and Pop!OS is great for beginners as well as professionals. Ubuntu’s software centre has a built-in section for snap applications, whereas you won’t find snap packages in the Pop!_OS shop rather you’ll find the Flatpak package option. Snap catch more memory on disks whereas Flatpak takes only small memory.

Auto Tilting:

Tilting feature in Pop!_OS

As the name suggests, this allows applications to automatically tile in the workspace, which greatly helps Window management. As this feature is not available in market famous OS like Windows, Ubuntu.


By default, Ubuntu collects information from your system whereas Pop!_OS does not store or collect any information as you won’t find any “sending information” option in the privacy settings.

Nvidia Drivers:

options for download Pop!_OS

Ubuntu users won't get by default Nvidia drivers when they install OS. It creates huge problems when we install drivers separately and also make a headache to users. The problem solved in Pop!_OS, In the Pop!_OS downloading page you may see 2 option One comes preloaded with Nvidia drivers, and the other is the normal one. This reduces the burden of installing Nvidia drivers as you’d want to do on Ubuntu.

If you’re a gamer, then Pop!_OS is best in Linux distros.

Hardware requirements of Pop!_OS

Pop!_OS will work in 2GB of RAM and a minimum of 16 GB of storage is needed. Pop!_OS is designed for the 64-bit processor. If you are a 32-bit user you may not use Pop!_OS, once you upgrade to 64-bit then you can use it.

But for good usage, I recommended to work in atleast 4GB RAM and use the multicore processor.

Installing Pop!_OS along with your Windows or Ubuntu

To install Pop!_OS you must download it, To download it use this link https://pop.system76.com/ choose Download and the current version in that page and it starts downloading. Once you are done with downloading you start creating a bootable USB stick using Rufus or Etcher.

Now press the boot key in your device, In my device F12 is the boot key. Then you will see your USB stick in the boot menu. If not, then go to the BIOS menu and enable the booting menu.

It will take few minutes to load setup files for booting, the time is depended upon based on the writing speed of your hard drive. Once files are loaded, you select your language and keyboard layout.

choose the language of your OS
Choose keyboard format

After you finish this step now you proceed to the next one, as you may choose to install the OS or just use it as a demo. For choosing demo you click the Try demo mode button in the screen. And for installation, there are two ways to install.

Installation page for Pop!_OS

Clean Install

This makes your installation by erasing your previous data and install freshly. For example, if you have windows 10 in the laptop then it will delete windows 10 and install Pop!_OS with that you loose all your data.

If you decide to erase and install you may choose that, Once you clicked that it ask disk to install select and click Erase and install.

It also asks you to Encrypt your disk for safety purpose. If you don’t wish to encrypt you click Don’t Encrypt.

choose or not encryption

If you wish to keep encryption on your disk, then click Choose Password. Once you created a password then click the Set password button.

type your password

Now it will take some time for finishing the installation. Once it finishes it asks for a restart of the system.

Click Restart Device and Pop!_OS is successfully installed on your device.

Custom Install:

This will resize your disk space and install Pop!_OS in your free space. This is useful in creating dual boots. Once you clicked the Custom button,

Partition table your hard disk

Here you will see the partition of your hard disk. In order to partition for Pop installation, click Modify Partitions

choose unallocated space

Pop!_OS by default choose your unallocated space for installation. Once you selected unallocated space you want to split it into divisions. They are Root, EFI Partition and Swap.

Right-click the disk and click new to create a new partition.

assigning for root

Give 95 percentage of space to the root partition because it contains all files and the whole OS running on it. Name the file system as ext4 and click Add.

For EFI allocate 512 MB to 1024 MB and choose file system as fat32

For swapping allocate 2 to 4 percentage of pop!_OS allocation. For example, If I allocate 100 GB for Pop!_OS I will assign 2,2.5 and 3 GBs of memory to swap. And select file system as Linux swap. Once you allocated all these 3 partitions now come out of Gpart Tab.

Choose your root, swap and EFI partition and click it, turn ON the slider. After that, you will see a black tick mark in your portion. And finally, click Erase and Install button. OS start installing in your device.

Based on your HDD writing speed it will finish quickly. So please sit quietly wait for some time.

Once you finished installing it start for restart. Click the Restart Device button to restart.

Great atlast You installed Pop!_OS by either one method. Enjoy the awesome UI in Pop!_OS and share it with your friends about Pop!_OS and my blog too.

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Varshath Gupta S

Current pre-final year student, who have an intrest in Technology and bussiness