Your MINDSET Matters !!

Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2021

Make sure to keep it forward…

I have a short story for you today which can tell you the importance of mindset in life that can impact your life decisions.

Before jumping on to the story, I want to let you know the fact that, all the decisions we make in life are openly or hiddenly influenced by our mindset on how we see the world.

Now we are good to go.

Story Intro:

The people involved in this story are 2 children and a drunkard father. The father is a perfect example of how a parent shouldn’t be. He is as irresponsible as possible. Pause the story here.

Fast forward 20 years…

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Stop.. stop.. stop... Perfect to arrive here.

Today, the father is no more. Time has changed and the world has experienced various revolutions, pandemics, new normal, etc.

For some reason, a journalist finds both the sons and wants an interview from them. One son has become a successful entrepreneur with a seven-figure income, and the other has become a drunkard like his father.

The journalist keeps the same question on the table for both expecting explanations for their answers.

The question was, “What made you like this?

Surprisingly, both replied with the same answer. Guess what. The answer was, “Because my father was a boozer”.

I hope you started realizing the moral of this story from their one-line answer. It is as simple as that answer. The child who had a forward-thinking mindset has figured out the wrong path and stayed out of that zone to become successful in life, unlike his father. But the son who was fond of his comfort zone and addicted to backward thinking couldn’t even keep a step forward.

All that matters is your mindset and the decisions you make in life which are inter-connected with each other that influence one another.

Think forward, move forward, take the first step now…

