Sentiment Analysis in E-Commerce

Almas M Mehtab
5 min readJan 13, 2021


Social view on sentiment analysis

Sentiment Analysis is the most commonly used approach to analyze data which is in the form of text and to identify sentiment content from the text. Opinion Mining is another name for sentiment analysis. A wide range of text data is getting generated in the form of suggestions, feedback, tweets, and comments. E-Commerce portals are generating a lot of data every day in the form of customer reviews. Analyzing E-Commerce data will help online retailers to understand customer expectations, provide a better shopping experience, and to increase sales. Sentiment Analysis can be used to identify positive, negative, and neutral information from the customer reviews. Researchers have developed a lot of techniques in Sentiment Analysis. Most Sentiment Analysis is done using a single machine learning algorithm. This analysis work uses customer review data and focuses on finding aspect terms from each review, identifying the Parts-of-Speech, applying classification algorithms to find the score of positivity, negativity and neutrality of each review.

Sentiment analysis involves the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to collate text data from a variety of sources, identify opinions, and classify the findings into a positive, neutral, or negative response to a product, service, or brand. Millions of online shoppers regularly share their views on social media and review sites. Scrutinizing this publicly available customer data allows patterns to be detected and a picture to be compiled of your customer’s mindset. This process is referred to as sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis in E-Commerce

Accessibility of social media platforms empowered internet users to express and share their opinions on different kinds of components based on their life experience, including products and services that they enjoy. Sentiment Analysis has been a burgeoning technology that taps into customer demands based on Natural Language Processing. This motivation is usually used to properly understand what customers want, when, why, and how they want it, retailers need to pivot towards sentiment analysis, hence avoid the same mistakes and choosing the right decisions based on comments or reviews. As part of e-commerce, online shopping is a good example of how products or services are sold over the Internet. Well-known distributors like Amazon and Alibaba along with tiny distributors out there certainly had disappointing outcomes. One of the primary factors for their slow sales was poor product assortment.

Consumer understanding has always been high on the to-do list of distributors and the use of sentiment analysis to monitor those emotions was the main motive for businesses to understand how diverse and thorough the opinion mining on the clients’ reviews can be. The Internet is a minefield of perspective, being able to access these opinions on a variety of different platforms is a significant advantage for any business seeking to improve its products or services.

Every day, millions of online users post their opinion on product features, benefits, and the value of products to express their feelings and attitudes on various channels. This ‘opinion’ or ‘sentiment data’ — subtly generated often include vital data points that can be invaluable for businesses looking to improve their customer experience, products, or services. The E-Commerce industry considers social media advertising as an integral parameter for progress as it ensures that visitors spend a good amount of time on the portal, searching for products they like, making purchases, and reviewing the purchased products positively on social media, and returning to the portal for future purchases.

Benefits of sentiment analysis in E-Commerce

  1. Predict the future

By evaluating the popularity of products and features and the tone of language used when commenting on them, sentiment analysis makes it possible to identify not only what’s hot and what’s not, but also what’s only just beginning to heat up. The ability to make sales and campaign adjustments according to real-time data ensures you’ll be ready for the latest trends before they happen.

2. Build a better brand

Sentiment analysis helps you hone your products, services, and personality. Over time, this builds a reputation of a company that is ahead of the game, responsive to customer needs, and in tune with the mood of the moment.

3. Valuable business intelligence

Sentiment analysis data provides businesses with valuable and insightful information about current and future customers about newer business markets and possibilities where companies can create actionable strategies by gaining this intelligence.

4. Enhanced customer experience

Sentiment Analysis can uncover customer attitudes on services, products, campaigns or detect their tone and temperament, on each and every word found in a customer’s social postings — and categorize them as either positive, negative, or neutral. Customers who come back are those who feel they are being treated well throughout the buying journey.

Challenges in sentiment analysis for E-Commerce

Information that isn’t available in a traditional row/column database such as email messages, telephone transcripts, tweets, blog posts, and Facebook messages is known as unstructured data. The nebulous nature of unstructured data makes it harder to collate than the more accessible structured data found in traditional databases.

Sentiment analysis, however, can be paired with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that transform unstructured data into accessible insights. These algorithms ‘tag’ each piece of data with a classification label that makes it recognizable to sentiment analysis. The findings can then be evaluated just as with standard structured data. The multinational nature of e-commerce demands sentiment analysis that operates multilingually. While sentiment analysis in the English language has improved dramatically over recent years, the same cannot be said for non-English languages.


Sentiment analysis is a prominent field based on quick computing, a large volume of data & information, complicated mathematical models based on natural language processing, machine learning, and statistics to compare customer reviews from distinct E-Commerce websites. Various robust learning algorithms are employed to predict the sentiment which is usually considered as a foremost influencer for the potential and prospective customers to make effective purchase decisions. This can provide a better user experience and assist businesses to make decisions or develop a model that will enhance customer relationships too.

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