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Is Sugar Behind the Wheel of Alzheimer’s?

Is your modern diet clashing with your ancient brain?

Tim Rees
Published in
10 min readMar 7, 2023


People are eating too much sugar, and it’s making them ill. In fact, granulated sweetness may be the driving force behind cognitive issues including Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have uncovered more reasons to stop eating this sinister sweet stuff. But are we listening?

“80% of people with Alzheimer’s disease have either full-blown diabetes or insulin resistance. The link between insulin resistance and AD is so obvious to some researchers they’ve began calling it diabetes type 3!”

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. Since 1990, Alzheimer’s disease has increased by nearly 150%. If the trend continues, by 2050 there will be 152 million people struggling with the condition.

And just in case you think you have no control over this insidious disease, consider this. Only 5% of Alzheimer’s is hereditary. The remaining 95% is a blend of lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors—genetic factors that are in part determined by your lifestyle and environment.

The key to a healthy lifestyle is a nutritious diet that keeps the body and…



Tim Rees

Registered clinical nutritionist. At war with autoimmunity. Diets & tips on website. The Nutrition Chronicles (Substack). Meat eater.