Feeder Finance Roadmap: The Sprint to DeFi 2.0

Patrick - Feeder Finance
Feeder Finance
Published in
13 min readOct 31, 2021


Over the past six months since our launch in late April, Feeder Finance has grown its DApp user base to roughly ten thousand unique users per month, our Telegram community to over two thousand, and we are offering approx. 100 products. We’re proud to say that the growth we’ve seen was thanks to the support of our community members helping us in every way to build a strong foundation of users and committed believers in what we’re hoping to achieve — to build an All-in-One DeFi platform.

Over six months, we turned an idea into a strong foundation with over a hundred products, allow swapping on the platform with our Exchange, make farming a one-click process with AutoConverter, and allow a full overview of investments with the Portfolio; there are tremendous upgrades possible to all of these features and many brand new things to come.

As we aim to be the All-in-One Multi-Chain DeFi Platform, there are many moving pieces, all of which build on top of one another. It is an ambitious project; however, we’re moving closer to that goal, day by day and piece by piece. While this is a multi-year project and will keep growing and improving for the foreseeable future, the roadmap puts forward our near-term plans and goals.

We’ll outline priorities and goals for the next couple of months as a guideline to visualize what’s coming; this is one of the most fast-moving and exciting roadmap updates we’ve released thus far; let’s dive in.

Roadmap TLDR

  • Multi-Chain: Fantom Launch Next Week with Free Gas to Get You Started!
  • Move Up the Risk Curve with Innovation Products
  • Feeder Finance Goes Social: The Social DeFi Platform
  • Portfolio Upgrade with Historical Performance & Transactions
  • Unique Lending Product Launch and Turning Feeder Finance towards ‘DeFi 2.0'
  • Exchange Upgrade for Full-Blown Trading & Charts
  • Market Data & Information Library
  • Feeder Finance Enables Crypto Fund Management
  • Index & ETF Investment Options
Feeder Finance Roadmap Q4–2021

November Goals

  • Multi-Chain: Fantom Launch Next Week with Free Gas to Get You Started!
  • Move Up the Risk Curve with Innovation Products
  • Feeder Finance Goes Social: The Social DeFi Platform
  • Portfolio Upgrade with Historical Performance & Transactions

First Step to an All-in-One Multi-Chain DeFi Platform: Fantom

Most DeFi projects with multi-chain capabilities enable the experience based on which chain the user is connected to, allowing the browsing of options in an isolated fashion. Feeder Finance will allow an authentic multi-chain experience by searching for the best investment options across all chains, regardless of which blockchain the user is connected to.

Search, Invest and Manage your portfolio with a full view of the crypto space. Fantom is the first step; however, thanks to the ease of EVM compatible blockchain integration, we’ve completed Fantom in less than two weeks and aim to integrate Fantom in short order before expanding further.

Fantom is a young but incredibly welcoming blockchain ecosystem. While the competition is there, it is far less fierce than other alternatives. We’ve also had tremendous support and friendliness from the team behind Fantom as well as the chain’s top AMM project. We’re hopeful that it would be a good start to expand there and attract new and like-minded DeFi users and Feeders.

The launch will come with one of FTM’s top AMM farms fully aggregated: SpookySwap.

Bridging FTM over from BSC remains troublesome, but don’t worry, Feeder has got you covered! Any of Feeder’s vault users with more than $1,000 deposited will be gifted FTM gas on the other side. Bridge tokens over to DeFi, and don’t worry about gas!

When? Next Week!

To quickly touch on this, $FEED token won’t be bridged just yet. Security is essential and we haven’t spent enough time reviewing how to ensure security for the bridging process. Fees will accumulate and be brought back to buy back FEED until we have another structure that benefits all holders and is secure.

Time to Have Fun with ‘Innovation’ Products!

Even as the platform covers new blockchains, BSC products selection will not cease to grow. In fact, it will now become even more exciting as we start to cover new products tagged as ‘Innovation’.

By launching the “Innovation” product selection, our users would not have to go out there and look for new projects to “ape” into but can simply rely on Feeder Finance to add new ‘Innovation’ product selections to choose from. The team will keep an eye out for new and exciting projects that have recently been audited and offer massive APY to add to our innovation selection.

The risk is higher but isn’t crypto about trying something totally new and hoping for the best? Let’s have some fun!

Feeder Finance Becomes A Social DeFi Platform

To create compounding value for the platform that other developers, however well-capitalized, can’t replicate overnight, Feeder Finance will leverage on its users. Not all our users are on Telegram or Discord, in fact, most (~80%) are not. The question is, how do we ensure their engagement with us right on the platform.

This is where the “Social” aspect of the platform comes in!

Social Scoring — While we can always create a proprietary scoring system, it is not hard for any other platform to develop it. We want to be the first DeFi platform to become social and benefit from being among the first mover. Agoda, Amazon, Airbnb, all benefit from user reviews. It establishes trust and confidence in the product. Risk and Return Scores will become user-generated. Any depositors can vote and review products; their impact on the score depends on their share of the product deposits. Once withdrawn, those scores are removed, but the review doesn’t. This keeps the score relevant and allows people to put money where their minds are. All that data can become valuable too, we’ll start with gathering them.

Social Content — Nothing beats user-generated content. While the team will continue to churn out valuable insights and articles, nothing is more authentic and relevant than the thousands of users generating content that helps spread the word through sharing and search algorithms picking up infinite numbers of keywords being organically created.

Referral System and Leadership Board — While there is an incentive as FEED holders to help spread the word, we should encourage it more with a little bit of fun and incentive. The referral system now is primitive. We’ll be upgrading it to a whole new level where users can track and rank their success. Top referrers will receive prizes and future perks on top of the referral fees they generate.

Portfolio Gets An Upgrade

This is a long-awaited upgrade to the portfolio page. Three significant additions will allow the portfolio to prepare for its future wealth management edition, which we’ll highlight in our Q1 goals further below.

This is what to expect:

  • Token and Value Historical Balance — Showing users how their portfolio and each investment has grown over time with Feeder products; this will also allow users to see their cost and profits, which we know based on your requests is a highly sought-after feature!
  • Transaction History — Allowing users to keep track of their investment and help ease both the track record keeping and tax accounting
  • Allocation Breakdown — Many users are invested in multiple options at the same time; it helps and will undoubtedly bridge the wealth management piece, to know how the portfolio is allocated as a whole

Alright, now that was a jampacked November, you’re right that’s just November, let’s see what we have for you in December, shall we?

December Goals

  • Unique Lending Product Launch and Turning Feeder Finance towards ‘DeFi 2.0’
  • Exchange Upgrade for Full-Blown Trading & Charts
  • Market Data & Information Library

Unique Lending Product Launch and Turning Feeder Finance towards ‘DeFi 2.0’

The dev team has already started the technical reviews and will start full development in November to launch this before year-end. The audit has been paid for and booked. This will be Feeder Finance team’s gift to our community to end the year with a BANG. A product like no other to be added to our amazing platform!

What is it? We can’t tell you exactly yet but here are some things to think and be excited about:

  1. It’s a unique feature that enables any token to be lent and borrowed — think sFEED, FEED, your LPs? meme-coins? You name it!
  2. Outstanding loans will be able to be bought and sold, much like a loans marketplace — profit from lending high and selling higher!
  3. Collateralized tokens would have the option to earn APY through our vaultshave assets earning in vaults? Why not keep it printing in the vault, but also take a loan out backed by vaulted assets to have fun trading or earn some more by vaulting borrowed assets, again…the possibilities are wide open!

How will the fees and Tokenomics work?

This is where things get a little more exciting, that is, if you like big changes. We’ve been asked and have thought about the FEED LP liquidity for some time. To ensure the longevity of our liquidity with or without a farm and emissions, we’ve come up with two actions that will be the solution; adopting a new movement of DeFi 2.0.

(DeFi 2.0 is a new phase of DeFi which moves into multi-chain ecosystems and utilizes sustainable protocol-owned liquidity and capital to create incentives and values to the project long-term. It’s a megatrend we want to stay ahead of.)

DeFi 2.0 #1 — Lending Product Fees Grow Feeder Investment Pool

The Lending Product will generate fees; these fees would automatically be deposited into a private pool that allocates to Feeder vaults. How the returns will be utilized will be voted by the community. However, it’ll likely be a combination of buybacks, providing liquidity, and perhaps supporting the lending product by being a fixed-term lender.

When you visualize this structure, you’ll notice that the pool would keep growing as we accumulate fees. So does Feeder TVL as it houses these funds. Finally, so does the capital to deploy from the returns generated by the growing pool’s principal. In a way, progress is never lost; every step is forward.

+Fees → +Pool → +APY → + Deployable Capital → +Value to Platform

DeFi 2.0 #2 — Farm Withdrawal Buyback Provides Liquidity

Besides introducing the DeFi 2.0 aspect with the lending product, we’ll make another big decision to support FEED-BNB LP liquidity specifically. The current farm withdrawal fee buybacks go to stakers. While it provides additional APY short-term, it will be far more beneficial for all holders long-term if it were converted into LPs to grow FEED-BNB liquidity. These LPs, owned by the Governance Treasury, would be the war-chest that allows the LP to grow on its own as trading fees accumulate. By the time emissions end, we’ll likely have close to $1 million in governance-owned liquidity from this alone. A vote will take place for this change; we have high hopes that it passes given the long-term positive implications for this.

Exchange Upgrade for Full-Featured Trading & Charts

The Exchange on the sidebar is handy, and we’ve already seen significant volumes getting traded there. However, it could be so much more if our thousands of users used it as the primary trading tool.

The upgrade will see the Exchange as its own page, equipped with TradingView charts and user transaction history. The AutoConverter is already generating enough fees to power almost 100 vaults daily compounding costs. The Exchange will unlock fees potential that will far exceed that; besides, users mean ads revenue!

Now if you’re swapping to DeFi in vaults, AutoConverting to use AutoFarming, why not take your crypto DEX trading over to Feeder as well? Isn’t Feeder All-in-One? Yes we are!

Market Data & Information Library

The cross-chain launch will add over 50 products to the platform and total our products to close to 200 in a short amount of time. The data generated from providing these vaults is tremendously valuable, and we’d like to make use of it. The Market Data section will show a high-level overview of the available token on our platform. Users can click any of the tokens to dive down into each with charts, available product options, and information about the token.

This would allow new investors in DeFi to familiarize themselves with the landscape much faster and easier. On its own, it would also likely generate users that may or may not use our vaults but visit the platform for data. Users have high intrinsic value that can be unlocked. Publications, sites like Poocoin and DAppradar, generate millions per year in revenue from users, and that’s something to think about as we grow our users alongside TVL.

Alright so that was December, let’s catch some breath… Now that’s a lot of things in two months we need to achieve and we are determined to get all of this done by year-end. 2022 is a little bit further away, but here are the major items we think we’ll most likely focus on in Q1–2022.

Q1 2022 Goals

  • Feeder Finance Enables Crypto Fund Management
  • Index & ETF Investment Options

Enabling Crypto Fund Management Business for All

While our plans and strategy shift around monthly, it is valuable to plan the next steps as a guideline for how we’re likely going to move forward.

Our vision for Q1 2022 will be to focus on the wealth management piece with the following exciting potential upgrades to the Portfolio Page.

  • Preset Portfolio & AutoAllocate — A vault structure that pools capital into a preset allocation is tremendously costly, both time and capital. Months of development and audit. We’ve envisioned a far more flexible and more accessible solution that would achieve the same results. A feature that would allow users to select preset, theme/strategy-based portfolio allocations and automatically allocate and rebalance accordingly. It would be a couple of confirmation clicks, and the portfolio would be allocated and rebalanced.
  • Multi-Wallet Management — Many Feeders manage crypto investments for friends and family. Keeping track of multiple wallets or even doing so within one wallet is painful! We’re hoping to simplify that with customized vault structures where a single wallet could be managing various “accounts” in vault structures — collecting management fees, AutoAllocate, track performance from one account to another.
  • Open/Closed Account Structure — On top of the multi-wallet account, performance tracked can be made public to other users, and funds can be deposited to allow managers to act as public crypto fund managers. Feeder Finance would become a crypto fund management platform that helps users simplify and grow a crypto wealth management business. Managing your business easily with our wide-ranging and multi-chain products, keeping track of performance with our record-keeping tools, and even market it to our users through our open-ended fund marketplace platform. If the masses aren’t coming to DeFi fast, get it to them faster!
  • Index & ETF Options — The partnership with ACSI was just the first stepping stone towards integrating more advanced product structures. An investment that automatically rebalances into equal-weighted allocations of up to eight assets. Other platforms offer other index/ETF-like vault structures, and we aim to include those over time. These will simplify the choice for those that prefer options being kept easy.


If you’ve read all that and got here, congratulations. We have to admit, that was one hell of a long roadmap. We didn’t do it on purpose to torture you, actually, we hope you got excited by how expansive this platform is becoming.

Let’s quickly recap.

We’ve aggregated close to a hundred products now on BSC and added many foundational functionalities that build towards our vision of making Feeder Finance an All-in-One DeFi Platform. Feeder Finance will become an All-in-One Multi-Chain DeFi platform with the Fantom launch next week as the industry grows into a multi-chain universe.

Our users are tremendously valuable for the project. To make sure we give all Feeder users equal opportunity to engage and create a feedback loop of long-term value creation, we’ll soon turn DeFi into Social DeFi with reviews, ratings, leadership boards, and more.

While new things are exciting, we’re never going to stop improving on our foundation. The product will become more wide-ranging as we add ‘Innovation’ selections, upgrade our portfolio, turn our Exchange into a full-fledged trading platform, and utilize data to create a Market Page for an ever-growing DeFi information library.

DeFi doesn’t stop with vaults, in fact, a large portion of DeFi revolves around borrowing and lending but the market as it stands still has some limitations. We’re aiming to solve that with a new lending feature on Feeder which will enable any token to be lent and borrowed, a marketplace that makes loans a tradable asset; a lending and borrowing platform unlike anything out there.

Finally, as we’re growing our products and features, we’re building towards a true wealth management platform that would create a crypto fund marketplace for Feeders and all users to build wealth and a business around DeFi and our products. From Index & ETF investment options to multi-wallet management, performance tracking, and open/closed fund management systems.

As you can tell, Feeder Finance team first and foremost are builders. Our vision is to build and grow with this young but explosive industry. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, and for you. We’ll do our best to help improve the industry and make DeFi easy, accessible, and fun for both experienced and new investors today and 10 years from now.

We look forward to having you on this journey together with us!

