NEW Open calls for CAPITOL, an abandoned monument in Bucharest, Romania

Cristina P / random / nwt
6 min readAug 14, 2017


Save or Cancel is looking to recharge the collective memory with new instances from the life of the CAPITOL ensemble of monuments and we know you can do so much more!

2020 Cultural Hub CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theater

The ensemble offers, for the audience of cinema, theater or variety shows, as well as of various cultural events — a new, re-discovered space located in the center of the capital, in an area recognized for cultural and recreational activities, with an interesting potential as a space for exhibition of culture but also helping to generate it. Space can be invested with a dual purpose.

The first conceptual function has a memorial role — the ability to integrate and display a part of the existing culture and its associated functions, delivering them into the present, materialized. The second role is continuous urban regeneration through the “social construction of the object“, found at the convergence of existing culture artefacts with the present, always a renewed moment.

In this particular case, the CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theatre has reached the brink of destruction due to the damage caused by the earthquake in 1977 but also owing to forgetfulness. This space emerged from a necessity of the developing city, and was animated until it was out of use, and occasionally after that moment.

In the particular case of historical monuments, the time dimension is a factor of particular importance and any intervention, such as conversion, must not only emphasize this dimension but also enhance it.

The analysis of the cultural hub phenomenon, through a conversion of the built heritage, shows that architecture exists in the dimension of time and movement, about which Jean Nouvel states that “One conceives and reads a building in terms of sequences.” Thus, spatial configuration allows new sets of dynamic relationships between existing spaces and current needs identified with the community.

Find out more about CAPITOL and the re-generation project, here.


Collective memory exercises: how do we interact with heritage?


Cinema Calendar Of The Abstract Heart — 09 — by Tristan Tzarathe fibres give in to your starry warmth
a lamp is called green and sees
carefully stepping into a season of fever
the wind has swept the rivers’ magic
and i’ve perforated the nerve
by the clear frozen lake
has snapped the sabre
but the dance round terrace tables
shuts in the shock of the marble shudder
new sober

open call 1: an urban signal

Finished or nearly finished works that investigate the various processes of collective memory. Human-scale, on street, interventions in the fields of architecture, sculpture, installation, video art, performance art, bio art, interactive and participatory art, new media, digital art, music and sound art, dance, theatre, objects, environmental art, processions, etc.

Where & when?
16th of September 2017, on Constantin Mille street, in front of the Capitol Summer Theatre
*you must be in Bucharest between 13th and 15th of September in order to produce the urban signal

We provide
– artist prize, in the net amount of 1.188 lei or 1.300 lei gross; teams of 2 artists will receive 642 lei net each, which means 650 lei gross;
– production budget of 1.500 lei
– audio-video documentation of the event
– promotion of your work throughout the project’s activities

Required files

  1. the filled-in participation form [download .docx]
  2. a short bio
  3. images, simulations, videos, texts or any other materials to support your proposal.

open call 2: a photograph

An unusual photograph of the Capitol Cinema / Summer Theater façade, made by you in August 2017. Get inspired by the remarkable past and possible future of the monuments. Use decor or optical illusions, photograph in colour or b / w, with or without filters — create a story in a picture.

Caution: Only photographs of the exterior of the building are eligible, more specifically the Cinema Capitol Façade — bd. Elisabeta 36, and Capitol Summer Theater, 13, Constantin Mille Street, Bucharest.

Who can participate?
Any amateur or professional photographer, no age or nationality restrictions.

We provide
– artist prize, in the net amount of 1.188 lei or 1.300 lei gross
– promotion of your work throughout the project’s activities

Required files

  1. the filled-in participation form [download .docx]
  2. a short bio
  3. a photograph, min. 3500 px @ 150 dpi + title + 160 characters description

Evaluation criteria
Jury and audience will consider the connection to the historical theme, composition, and creativity.

Photographs will be displayed throughout the CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theatre cultural hub project activities and events, may be included in the itinerary exhibition and / or used in the design of future project materials or published online.

Deadline: Send proposals for both calls by 28 August 2017.

Download the open call guidelines.
You can participate with a maximum of 3 proposals in each section of the open call — “an urban signal & “a photograph”
Use wetransfer, dropbox or gdrive to send files larger than 6mb.
Send the required files, as a single archive, to info [ @ ]
This call contains a gallery of selected images, videos, and texts about CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theatre. Use it to get inspired and informed.
Organizers may refuse to publish images containing inaccurate, defamatory, obscene, otherwise inappropriate or reflective personal or personal disputes.
Ask any question about this call, via e-mail or Teatrul de vară CAPITOL facebook page; be advised, we may publish FAQ, if the answers show useful for more participants.

The winning ideas will be selected by a jury and public online voting, between 29 August and 4 September, on

1/3 public online vote

2/3 a panel, on behalf of Save or Cancel, represented by Cristina Popa, social designer and Andrei Racovițan, architect.

The winners for both calls will be announced online, on the 5th of September 2017, on

The open call is organized by Save or Cancel, via, and is a part of the “hub cultural Cinema / Teatrul de vară CAPITOL multiannual cultural project, co-financed by AFCN, produced with the support of ArCub, as part of the “București — Oraș Participativ 2017” cultural programme.

Graphic design: Acme Industries

Photos: various archives, VJ VLC, Alex Iacob

Organizer: Save or Cancel
Partners: AFCN, ArCub, PMB, CNDB, Teatrul Mic, Cinema Marconi
Media partners: Zeppelin, IQads, Smark, Iqool, Assamblage, Citatepedia,,,

About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of the arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society.
The self-initiated multidisciplinary programs of Save or Cancel aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities for (re) valorisation of the existence through architectural, cultural and editorial projects.

Other articles in the awareness campaign:
Cinema CAPITOL at the beach @ Plaja de Carte, Vama Veche
BTLT: Cum a fost la Someș Delivery 2017, Cluj?
CAPITOL Grădina Cinema la Someș Delivery 2017
BTLT: Reactivarea patrimoniului: provocări și beneficii @ CNDB
OPEN CALL CAPITOL DESIGN Winner: Acme Industries — Y
OPEN CALL DESIGN — Shape the future of CAPITOL
despre și regenerare urbană prin artă — un interviu IQads cu Save or Cancel
Cinema / Teatrul de vară CAPITOL 2017–2018
Capitol Cinema / Summer Theatre history and future 1912–2020
41 de foste și actuale cinematografe în București
38 de teatre din București
22 de clădiri reabilitate care pun în valoare patrimoniul din România



Cristina P / random / nwt

editor @ // social designer @ save or cancel // map maker & autor @ Un-hidden Romania