For it is in giving that we receive — Saint Francis of Assisi
By Sachidananda Sahu
This post was originally published on August 23, 2019.
Sachidananda Sahu — Hunger Hero — Bangalore Chapter, Feeding India.
I have been volunteering with Feeding India in Bangalore since 2017, and hand on heart, it feels great to be part of something that makes a real difference to people’s lives.
There’s a saying — ‘For it is in giving that we receive’, I now know what that means. As a team of volunteers we have visited many NGOs, arranged some events and have hosted many donation drives.
And for me, the most meaningful part about volunteering is interacting with the beneficiaries and spending time with them. It’s incredible how giving them a little happiness has given me twice as much in return.
When we really start to think about the challenges that surround the problems of hunger and malnutrition in the country, most of us will realise that while there are no shortcuts or easy fixes, there are so many small things or changes each one of us can make that can lead to someone else having access to wholesome and healthy food.
For example, the Happy Fridge program introduced by Feeding India, is all about involving local communities in coming to the aid of those who might not live in the same housing societies, but because of whom, their houses are safe and comfortable. It addresses the need to numerous blue-collar labourers who aren’t destitute and are working hard, but do not have the skills or opportunities to be able to make enough beyond day to day survival.
I think volunteering with Feeding India has not only given me a stronger sense of purpose, but also a different perspective on life. I no longer look at a challenge and see only the problems, I can also see solutions and understand how I can be a part of them.