1 Easy Tip To See If Your Article Still Has A Chance For Distribution

You can stop refreshing your article’s stat page once you see this important status

Ben Ho


If there is one thing that bothers the heck out of me, is that there isn’t a way Medium shows that your article has been rejected for distribution.

Sure, we know that if your article has been accepted, you get to see the coveted “Chosen for further distribution” on your stat’s page.

However, what if we don’t see that? Has the article been not looked at, pending, or straight up rejected? There isn’t a way to know what is the status of your article is, all the while you are refreshing your webpage to see any updates.

Here I will explain what to look for to see what your article’s status is which Medium does a bad job in showing.

Hopefully, this will clear things up a bit:

  1. First things first, you need to obviously publish an article.
  2. Go to your article’s webpage -> right-click -> and click “view page source.”
  3. You should now get a whole text of HTML like so. Don’t be afraid of it! I will explain it in a bit.



Ben Ho

Constant seeker of inspiration — Coder, Traveler, Explorer