100 Followers Challenge

Quickly get to the 100 followers mark and start making profits on your content

Tony U. Francisco


Image by the author on Canva.

Here’s the scenario: you joined Medium with the hopes of getting your blog off the ground while making some money in the process. Or, like myself, you planned to move your blog from WordPress to engage with the Medium community, get paid for a readership as opposed to just selling products, and hopefully grow your influence as a writer.

You work through the process of getting all the administrative details taken care of. You spend the time to ensure that your profile description, picture, and initial stories match your brand identity. You are motivated and inspired by the simplicity of the Medium platform and look forward to writing much more in the future. You may not admit it, but you also look forward to the competition-style, metric-based system that Medium has built in.

You think, “it’s gamified blogging, and I am stoked to use my writing skills this way!”

Now for the less than exciting part: you finally get around to signing up to the Medium Partner Program only to find out you need a minimum of 100 followers to join.

This realization can be a real motivation killer. It sucks because it has taken to this point…



Tony U. Francisco
Writer for

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive. https://bio.site/trainoutwork