3 Absolute No-No’s When Starting Out on Medium

Don’t piss off your fellow writers and you’re off to a great start

Caro Violet


Image Credit: Canva

Medium is a minefield for beginners.

You just don’t realize it at first.

I was stoked when I found out about this platform. A place to write about any of my many, many interests?… And it pays?

No website malarkey; no complicated funnels or lame attempts at Tiktoks or Instagram Reels to drive traffic to my one-in-500-million blog.

That was all I needed to know. Sign me up! I thought.

Sure enough, it’s a fantastic platform. There’s so much potential for budding writers. And the community is second-to-none.

But as a new contributor, that’s where you can get stuck. This platform thrives on community, and the recent changes (tanking publications in favor of individual bonuse$$$, ahem) are driving it even further in that direction.

Work hard on perfecting your craft, absolutely! But don’t be fooled into thinking you’re in a solitary space, where great writing alone wins.

Newbies, beware: Be considerate of your fellow writers — it’s an absolute must — otherwise you’re probably not going to get anywhere.

No-no #1: Being a



Caro Violet

I write excellent love notes; does that make me a writer? Digital Nomad. Lover of people + justice. Remote Work | Travel | Entrepreneurship | Health + Fitness.