332 Incredible Headlines With Over 10,000 Claps Each

“Learn from the best and teach the rest.”

J.J. Pryor


Incredible headlines by JJ Pryor
Created by J.J. Pryor

It’s headline month here in my brain, and I’ve been collecting information from anywhere and everywhere on the subject.


To learn how to write better, to get more eyeballs on my work — and to share the knowledge, of course.

I collected a crapload of headlines from several of the largest publications that each had over 10,000 claps.

  • Yes, it took a long time.
  • No, I don’t have much of a life.
  • Yes, the technical definition of a ‘crapload’ is 332.

And yes, I will accept your praise in the form of claps and kisses blown across the Pacific.

Where did I get the articles?

I spent a lot of time exploring through some of the largest ‘self’ and ‘life lessons’ related publications:

  • Be Yourself
  • Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
  • Live Your Life on Purpose
  • Mind Café
  • Mission.org
  • Personal Growth
  • Publishous
  • The Ascent



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer | jjpryor.substack.com