Writing Prompts to Help You Craft Better Stories

These 7 science fiction writing prompts teach you advanced storytelling techniques while igniting your imagination

Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers


Science Fiction Writing Prompts article cover with an image of the title and a set of hands holding coffee and writing in a journal. Writing prompts that teach craft.
Image by author

In a previous article, I wrote on the use of prompts to help writers understand craft elements and level up their careers. Essentially, the average writer tackles writing prompts in a very basic manner. And it leads them to write the same tired stories while never improving their craft.

Write a story about a man who’s lost his job. Write a story about a character that’s a dog. Write a story about a writer writing a story. Those prompts, while fun, are useless. They don’t teach the writer anything and the only thing they accomplish is getting writers to write a story—but most writers won’t write the story, let alone finish it.

Those types of basic prompts don’t teach writers how to tell a story well. How to use the nuances of craft to bind their readers and keep them locked in their story till the end. That’s why I create writing prompts that do more. My writing prompts actually teach writers craft elements through the tried and true method of deliberate practice.

Since I wrote that article, I’ve been designing new prompts for writers to help them understand more craft topics and become better…



Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers

Helping writers tell better stories and sell their work. Work in Better Humans| The Writer| The Writing Cooperative. Follow to level up your writing.