Abundance & Sense vs. Dollars & Cents

What side hustle mindset do you have?

jules - Miz Mindful
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2021


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Are you the type of person that orders from the “side” section of the menu? Do you order your dressing on the side? “I would like the steak with a side salad and my dressing on the side of that.” When we order like that, we are asserting a little bit of control. Or are you like me, that often requests from the appetizer section and build a meal of variety to my liking. We want it to be, at that moment, what we want and not the cooks or the menus preference. It’s similar to having our cake and eating it too.

Side hustles are as individual as the person that works like that. Here can be 101 reasons why we work at a side hustle, but the meat and potatoes of the persons’ specific values or goals should be the only purpose. A single mom might have a different reason than a twenty-year-old college student. A retired artist versus a budding young craftsman again has various reasons for their side hustle. It may just be me, but I notice the whirlwind of social media posts, any social media, filled with communications based on dollars and cents. And we take the bait. We lose focus of the reason we started, just like on a post or a video we are creating. If we lose focus, we ramble and miss the point. Who benefits from that?



jules - Miz Mindful

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!