An Easy Hack to Increase Your Medium Views

An indirect way to get more views on your profile and articles!

J.J. Pryor


We’re all on the hunt for those precious views right? Of course — hard work, consistent writing, and developing a good personal style usually work in the long term.

But who has the time to wait for years?

So, why not help yourself in the meantime with a few minutes a day of extra effort.

And I bet you’re already doing 90% of this work most days anyway!

An easy way to get more views on Medium

Before I get into it, I should explain this strategy or ‘hack’ might not give you the exact kind of views you’re looking for.

That’s because it involves replies to stories, and Medium for some odd reason counts replies as stories.

But don’t fret quite yet, the strategy will still get your name out there, help you get indirect views (and if you’re good at it — a lot of those), and it will even help you on your journey to getting Top Writer tags on your profile.

So what’s the hack?

Increase your views on Medium



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer |