Are YOU the Best Writer on Medium?

I think you are a great writer.

Quiet Cacophony


Photo by Peggy Anke from Pexels

UPDATED: January 2021

I woke up Christmas morning to find the usual soirée of Facebook posts and Tweets wishing each other festive holiday greetings.

Except from one Medium writer (with 81k followers) on Twitter. His 2 a.m. greeting was, “I’m better than you.” To be precise, he wrote:

“I’m the best writer on @Medium and to be honest it’s not all that close. The other writers know it, too. The streets, the fans, know. I’m going to kill all of you in 2021. It already wasn’t close, but I’m gonna put light years between us. I promise…” — (author withheld)

I’ve written before about assuming a positive identity, and about channeling your inner Muhammad Ali. For you to make it in this game, or any game, you’ve got to step up to the plate with confidence. Believe in yourself. But this statement above might be too much.

First, let me say this:

I haven’t found any sucky writers on Medium.

I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again: I haven’t found any sucky writers on Medium. If you see any, drop me a private not on this article, and I’ll make it a priority to help that writer.

