The Best Leadership Books to Read in 2023: Recommended Reading List

J.J. Pryor
Published in
10 min readMar 22, 2022


A chessboard emphasising the size of the king and queen as leaders.
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

John F. Kennedy once said that “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” He couldn’t have been more right if he tried.

I’ve managed people before. I’ve also worked for dozens of different bosses in over a dozen companies. I’ve been under the direct charge of CEOs, CMOs, CTOs, and perhaps even C3POs.

Given enough time, I could always tell which one was a true leader, and not just a boss trying to rule by authority.

The difference? Their hobbies.

Were they a reader? Did they watch documentaries? Did they keep focusing on a degree or two they attained and never had the inclination to learn more at any point after?

The following list of life-changing leadership books won’t make you a great leader. But they can help you become one the minute you open their front cover. Why?

Because great leaders learn, and choosing to learn about leadership from other great leaders shows you’re already on your way.

Best Leadership Books to Read in 2023

#1. Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

by Seth Godin



J.J. Pryor

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