Big Upgrades Will Be Happening in The Writers Community

$$$— New rewards for creators on Medium, Twitter, Quora, and LinkedIn

Kristina God, MBA


Big Upgrades Will Be Happening in The Writers Community; Kristina God; Background photo created by

There’s one common question we’re obsessed with. It’s: ‘Where should I be writing online in order to be successful?’

What if an online writing pro and insider were to tell you: ‘The answer is simple. Anywhere. Because it’s the golden era of content creators. There are success stories on every platform.’

I was intrigued by a tweet from Nicolas Cole

As a committed writer eager to build my career online, I’m very interested in news about the online writing world. It’s well known that all social media platforms change like the weather, not just Medium.

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a retweet by Tom Fenske, editor of ‘The Shortform’ that immediately caught my attention. I was intrigued.

It was a tweet by Nicolas Cole about some insider info:

There are some BIG upgrades happening in the creator economy for writers on:

- Medium

- Quora

- LinkedIn

- Twitter

I can’t say too much yet (insider info) (…)



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: