Book review: The Incredible Adventures Of Cinnamon Girl By Mellisa Keil

The Bookish Reviewer
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2023

“Alba’s life is nothing like the comics she draws — there aren’t any evil villains or radioactive spiders. But Alba’s not complaining. All she needs is her sketchbook, her home behind a bakery and her best friend, Grady.

There’s just one small issue — the world might be ending.

As Alba’s hometown gets overrun by Doomsday enthusiasts, her life is thrown into chaos. Her best friend is acting weirder than usual, the guy she thought long gone has unexpectedly reappeared, and inspiration for her comic has hit rock bottom.

With the end of the world drawing near, Alba knows it’s time to stop being the sidekick in her own story. But as it turns out, Armageddon is the least of her problems…”

3.9 Stars

Don’t judge, It Is not bad, there were just a few thing I think could be better

The characters. Some were Loveable. some were causing confusion

The ending was a little disappointing for me, But I am still recommending it to others

Overall I still quite enjoyed this story,

I am excited to see what Mellisa will write

Thank you for the review copy Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing



The Bookish Reviewer
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