Did You Know You Have an RSS Feed on Medium?

How to use Medium’s RSS feed for your online writing

J.J. Pryor
Published in
7 min readSep 11, 2020


A building in the shape of a funnel showing how an RSS feed works for bloggers.
Image by Little MiMi from Pixabay

Did you know that Medium.com includes an RSS feed for every user and publication on the platform?

If you were like me, you might have seen this term mentioned around the internet on various blogs, stores, and websites — but not really know what it means.

So, this article will quickly cover what it is, how it’s normally used, and list a few ways it can help you on Medium.com itself.

Let’s get started!

What is the definition of an RSS feed?

For those unfamiliar with the older technology (it’s been around since the ‘90s), RSS stands for:

  • RDF Site Summary (RDF = Resource Description Framework)
  • Really Simple Syndication
  • Sich Site Summary
  • Ricki’s Sweet Saxophone

It doesn’t really matter which acronym you remember (the 1st one is proper), as most people will just say RSS.

What is an RSS feed?

In simple terms, an RSS feed is a page on your blog or website that posts information every time there is an update on that site.



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer | jjpryor.substack.com