Do You Want to Learn How to Cheat the Curation Algorithm?

By using a pseudo-viral story as case-study

Eva Grape


Half grapefruit fingered to support a story about sex and virality
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

Do you remember those days back in school when you had a difficult test, and you wished you could sneak in the teacher’s office and change your responses? I have a strange feeling of familiarity regarding that life phase whenever my story is chosen for distribution after making changes to the initially published piece. And you know why? Because it feels like cheating on your test, only this time nobody cares if they catch you.

If you want to learn how to “fix” your stories after publishing them, this story will walk you through some tricks I have experimented with by myself. So let’s get to the point with a practical example:

Photo courtesy of the author

Yes. It’s a sex story, and it was pretty lucrative, as you can see. I’m not here to brag, but the earnings support my case. Hence I choose to let the amount visible. This is, in fact, the second story on sex that I have written within two weeks after my first one took off and became what some would call viral.

In my greediness — and yeah, I’m not hiding here because we’re all a bit greedy, I was hoping I could…



Eva Grape

Side-hustler mom writes about marriage, relationships at large and psychology.