Good News! Medium Is Finally Updating Its Buggy Mobile Apps

2 features will be removed in the future; hopefully, one funny and two annoying bugs too

Kristina God, MBA


Good News! Medium Is Updating Its Buggy Mobile Apps
Photo 21387926 © Tomasz Pacyna |

I’m so excited!

Yesterday, I read in Medium’s monthly newsletter that Medium will update its buggy app.


The app is so buggy. An update is more than necessary.

Did you know that 50% of Medium’s over 100 million readers are mobile users?

All those annoying, as well as funny bugs, need to be fixed — to earn more, get read more, and have a better reading experience.

Negative reviews on the Google Play Store

The Medium app was installed 5,000,000 times on Android.

Here are some of the latest reviews on the Google Play Store.

Here are some of the latest reviews on the Google Play Store.

Brandon Rechten (still a paying member) says:

The app has become almost unusuable.

Serenity (no member anymore) says:

Buggier and buggier. Every time I log in, I run into…



Kristina God, MBA

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