How I Get The Project of London’s Best Jewelry Company of the Year

I made $200 from a London’s Best Jewelry Company of the Year project by freelancing

Fazle Rab


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

6 months ago, when I told my two friends, there is a London jewelry company whose project I got, they were not sure about my point. On telling them often, both said, ‘have you really got a project from a London jewelry company? If so then tell me how you got it.’

They shouldn’t even believe in my talk because I got this project at that time whenever I was a very beginner in freelancing.

I had just started learning freelancing, I was working on how to get any project from it, so something happened because of which I got the project of London’s Best Jewelry Company of the Year. How did it happen? What was the reason and technique that a very new freelancer like me got the project of such a big company, and after all, what is the name of that company?

It is a matter of great excitement for a new freelancer that they get the project of a big company from another country in the beginning.

Surely, I will share this interesting journey with you guys, so just tie your waist and go ahead.

First, I would like to say that I am neither doing the advertisement for this company nor…



Fazle Rab

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