How I Got 2000 Followers In 5 Months On Medium

No follow-for-follow or any other funny business



Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I’ve gotten this question a few times now. “How did you manage to get almost 2000 Medium followers in just shy of 5 months on this platform?” My answer was “I don’t know”. Because to be honest, I didn’t. Until I thought about it some more.

Before my first post

It all started even before my first Medium story. I didn’t just write that first post and hoped for the best. Instead, I did a little research. By research, in this case, I mean I created a Medium account, became a paying Medium member, and started to read viral articles by high-profile writers. Why? Because I wanted to know a couple of things:

  1. How do they structure their posts? Is there a pattern?
  2. How often do they post?
  3. What’s the length of a viral post?
  4. How “clickbaity” are the headlines?
  5. What publications do they publish with?

What I realized is that in addition to sometimes clickbaity headlines and consistent posting, the most common thread among these articles and writers I looked at was a clear post structure including short paragraphs with simple subheaders and a handful of big publications that seem to…




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