How Medium Led to My Best Professional Year Yet

Sarah Seweryniak
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2021


Medium has given me a lot to celebrate over the last year

Photograph provided by Sarah Seweryniak through her Canva account.

It’s my birthday! I always get in a reflective mood whenever I complete another journey around the sun.

Last year I reflected on lessons I had learned over the course of my three decades on earth.

A lot can happen over our lifetime. A lot can happen over the course of a year even. So this year I’ll take a trip back through the last 12 months because so much has happened with my writing journey, especially through Medium.


A year ago we were scared and confused about what was going on. We didn’t know much about COVID-19 and our world pushed paused as many of us were faced with spending time in quarantine to help flatten the curve and stop the spread of this mysterious virus.

As time moved on and the numbers of infections and death rose it was obvious that we were officially living in a pandemic.

“Now what,” I thought.

Finding focus in the chaos



Sarah Seweryniak

I write about Marketing, Self-Improvement & Parenting | Increase your article read time and grow your Medium following: