How Much Does Medium Pay for Views

I examined 25 of my best performing stories to come up with pay rates

J.J. Pryor
Published in
8 min readDec 12, 2019


A hand putting money into a piggy bank.
Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels

I’ve had a curious month so far in December on Medium. I tried my best to get published during the last few weeks by exploring different kinds of articles and stories. This also came out of a desire to try to earn more under the new MPP system from Medium.

Luckily my attempts paid off! I’ve managed to be published 8 times in the last couple of weeks! It’s been fun to explore these new styles and I plan on continuing it.

One thing that was a bit unexpected though was the lack of earnings results from this. Of course, we can’t expect any single article to do well just because it’s published. But surely with 8 of them, I thought at least one of them would hit 500 or more reads.

Unfortunately, none of them have come close to that yet. So I got curious today and sat down to do some analysis on their performance vs my previous self-published articles that had similar amounts of views.

And I noticed a pattern in earnings by doing so.


I went into my top stories of November and December and pinpointed their most-read days. I then recorded all of the available statistics for those days and compiled them into a neat…



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer |