How Much Money Should You Expect With 100 Views on Medium

Comparing my two most well-performing stories till now.

Ilias Zografos


Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels


If you are on the trial of making money online through writing, then Medium is a great place for you.

No, I can’t guarantee you that you can make millions of dollars by writing about your experiences or any other type of content that you love, but after reading a ton of “how to succeed on Medium” stories, I’ve realized that is doable to make a living by producing content on this platform.

Does this mean that it’s easy if you are new on Medium?

Hell, nooo!

How I started writing

The writing was always one of my passions and that’s why I decided to study journalism. Well, that means nothing about my experience or my skills in writing.

I actually consider myself a bad writer, especially when I have to write a structured story in another language. But this doesn't keep me — and it shouldn’t keep you too — away from expressing your thoughts, your experiences, or even your expertise online.

That’s why I loved Medium from the very first time that I heard about it. It’s a platform where every writer, despite his background…

