How to Improve Your Medium Experience

damn our attention spans and wanting results NOW!

Caitlin McColl


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

(If you aren’t a Medium member and want to read this article in full for free, click this sentence! If you are a Medium member — thank you for your support!)

I’ve been here on Medium for four months and I’ve already read what feels like a bazillion different articles on how to:

Increase your followers!

Increase your views!

Increase your claps/comments/interactions!

Which is all great…But you know what else I’ve realized? You can very easily become in competition with YOURSELF.

Which isn’t all that great.

We spend enough of our lives trying to compete with other people — especially in this age of social media and ‘influencers’.

We want to be healthier/better looking/funnier/more successful/busier/happier/more in love than our neighbours/co-workers/Twitter, Facebook and Instagram followers.

Add in Medium Stats — which can become an obsessive way you end up competing with yourself and probably becoming disappointed with your lack of meteoric rise to Medium fame, and even courting burnout.

The solution is obvious, isn’t it? Check them rarely. Like, once a month.

Your mental health will thank you.



Caitlin McColl

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦