How to Pick a Blogging Niche on Medium

Tips and tricks on how to find a blogging niche for Medium and other platforms

J.J. Pryor


A circle of books with a woman reading one book in the middle.
Photo by Danny on Unsplash

Last week I set a personal writing challenge to run an ‘experiment’ on Medium to see if generalist writers can still perform well on the platform vs having to pick a niche blogging topic.

The only problem with starting the challenge is — I haven’t picked a niche before.

I’ve written about ~7 topics so far and every week has been marking down ideas to write about. Topics ranging all the way from Timbuk Tu to why the House of Lords still exists.

Fun stuff! (maybe)

But how can one pick a niche to write 12 articles for in only 4 weeks? Sounds easy, but I have the long-term attention span of a housefly in heat.

So I did what I usually do — researched how to do it first, outlined the parameters, and funneled down to an answer.

General advice on finding a niche



J.J. Pryor

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